Is North Korea really responsible for the Sony hack?

Jan 8, 2015
The FBI blames North Korea for the Sony hack ... but how can we know for sure?

What's a proportional response to a cyberattack?

Dec 19, 2014
North Korea doesn't have much of an economy to sanction.

Hackers aim to learn from Sony attack

Dec 19, 2014
U.S. officially blames North Korea, as hackers examine what can be learned

Sony cancels 'The Interview'

Dec 17, 2014
After a crippling hack and terroristic threats, Sony has scrapped the comedy.

North Korea's homegrown operating system seems familiar

Feb 11, 2014
Like other technology and software out of the DPRK, the new OS seems to imitate rather than innovate.

North Korea's very own smartphone

Aug 16, 2013
The closed dictatorship just released its very own smartphone with an Android operating system. Now all they need is some internet access.

For public good, not for profit.

North Korea threatens; neighbors remain calm

Apr 12, 2013
Threats by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to launch missiles and beef up his country's nuclear weapons capacity have left the economies of North Korea's regional neighbors largely unaffected, as our BBC partners report.

China uneasy with North Korea's threats

Apr 10, 2013
A steady drumbeat of threats from North Korea is making the world's second largest economy assess China's relationship with its neighbor.

North Korea blocks off industrial zone, border trade

Apr 3, 2013
Tensions rise on the Korean Peninsula as North Korea blocks South Korean worker access to an industrial zone along the border of the two countries.