President's Chief Technology Officer announces new round of Innovation program

Feb 5, 2013
President Obama's Chief Technology Officer, Todd Park, talks about what exactly America's CTO does -- and announces a second round of the Presidential Innovation Fellows program.

Debt ceiling stand-off? President challenges Republicans

Jan 14, 2013
In the final news conference of his first term, President Obama made a new pitch for "balance" as Washington approaches another fiscal deadline.

On fiscal cliff, Americans say leave me out of this

Dec 6, 2012
With just about three weeks left until Congress runs up against its fiscal cliff deadline, how is the public viewing the debate?

Study: Changes to student loan repayments benefit the well-off

Oct 16, 2012
Today the nonpartisan New America Foundation is out with a report that suggests changes to income-based loan repayment rules are benefiting high-income, high-debt students.

Millennials get their favorite TV and the debates too

Oct 1, 2012
Young viewers might watch the CW channel during the presidential debates, but they'll still keep up with politics via social media.

Middle class at a crossroads, not for the first time

Sep 21, 2012
What we can learn from American history about the presidential candidates' plans for the middle class.

PODCAST: Bernanke speaks, India's economy hits the breaks

Aug 31, 2012
The big news of the day is Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's much-anticipated speech at Jackson Hole. Also, we fact-check a misleading campaign ad about welfare.

For public good, not for profit.

Are Romney's drilling plans eco-friendly?

Aug 24, 2012
And a new app helps you separate fact from baloney in political ads.

Report: People don't retweet candidates on the economy

Aug 15, 2012
But they do retweet them on anything else. Social media research indicates that voters might be in the mood for a broader discussion.

What Americans think about taxing the rich

Jul 12, 2012
President Obama is calling for renewing the Bush tax cuts, except for those making $250,000 a year and more. Gallup's Frank Newport on what people think about that proposal.