Tax cuts, candidate wealth: What matters to voters?

Jul 12, 2012
The Presidential race this week can be summed up in a few words: Outsourcing, wealth, taxes, and jobs. How are American voters responding the latest week's news?

Obama sends economic adviser to Europe

May 30, 2012
With borrowing costs spiking for Spain and Italy, the Obama administration has sent a top treasury official to Europe to encourage European leaders to take decisive action on their financial mess.

G8 summit focuses on weakness in Europe

May 21, 2012
President Obama will be with world leaders in Chicago today after meetings at Camp David over the weekend. The takeaway from those meetings is that there should be more of a focus on growth rather than austerity as Europe grapples with another flare up in the debt crisis.

White House targets nations that oppress using tech

Apr 24, 2012
President Obama has announced a new policy aimed at punishing countries like Syria and Iran that practice violence after gathering information about citizens online.

The cost of living... in the White House

Mar 2, 2012
The president lives in that big ol' D.C. mansion, where he's waited on hand and foot at the taxpayers' expense, right? Not exactly. Author Jodi Kantor says being president is plenty hard on the pocketbook.
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama at home in the White House. The finances of the First Family are tighter than you'd think, says New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor.

New plan to be outlined for U.S. corporate tax code

Feb 22, 2012
The Obama administration today will outline a broad overhaul of the nation's corporate tax code that will lower the tax rate that businesses pay, but could increase to amount of tax revenue heading to Washington.

For public good, not for profit.

$3.8 trillion budget released

Feb 13, 2012
President Obama has published his multi-trillion-dollar budget. Despite it being an election year, Karen Shaw Petrou thinks we should take it seriously.

The Spotify Speech-o-Matic

Feb 10, 2012
Voilà! A brilliant presidential campaign speech, constructed from nothing but titles of songs from President Obama's own Spotify playlist.