State of the Union tonight

Jan 24, 2012
We’ll be following the President’s address just like everyone else tonight and seeing if he gives many clues to technology issues and where the administration may be headed. In particular: – Will Obama say anything about the failure of SOPA/PIPA, either in opposition to the bills or in support of future bills that would please […]

Attitude Check: Obama and the American economy

Dec 29, 2011
Heading into the election year, we speak to Frank Newport at Gallup about how Obama's economic policies are faring in the American public, and why the economy will be the biggest issue in 2012.

Obama nominates two for Federal Reserve board

Dec 28, 2011
The Obama administration hopes that the Senate will approve its two appointees -- one Democrat, one Republican -- to the Federal Reserve board.

For public good, not for profit.

Obama goes on Tumblr. Somewhere Mother is smiling.

Oct 25, 2011
Her influenced has reached President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. His just-announced Tumblr site asks readers to submit their stories to help...

Obama issues executive order on security

Oct 7, 2011
President Obama is expected to announce a major executive order having to do with online security today. It's the culmination of a seven month...