Your new online realtor: Barack Obama

May 16, 2011
We know he's busy but he would love to show you around some properties. It'll be fun, we'll go out on Saturday. Meet at Starbucks first, make a day...

White House embraces Android too

Apr 22, 2011
Geez, took them long enough. The White House has had an iPhone app available since January of 2010 that's been downloaded 400,000 times. Now the...

Don't be fooled by all the meaningless junk about Obama going to Facebook

Apr 21, 2011
The President was at Facebook headquarters yesterday for a big virtual town hall event. There's plenty of reporting on how Obama quipped that he...

2012 online

Apr 20, 2011
As Obama gets ready for his Facebook town hall this afternoon, The New York Times writes today that the political left doesn't own the Internet -...

Open data on the chopping block

Apr 19, 2011
As Congress fights over how to balance the budget, the fate of government transparency and whether data will continue to remain available online...

Obama at Facebook

Apr 18, 2011
On Wednesday, the President will hold a Facebook town hall meeting about "Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity." From the White House web...

Obama 2012 is all about Facebook: Chapter 2

Apr 6, 2011
The other day we brought you word that the Obama reelection campaign site was heavily tied to Facebook, with an app that lets you say "I'm In" on...

For public good, not for profit.

Obama launches re-election campaign with big Facebook push

Apr 4, 2011
I guess this is news although I think it's no surprise that a) Obama is running again and b) social media is right up front in his efforts. When...

Tech visionaries on Obama's guest list at Silicon Valley dinner

Feb 17, 2011
President Barack Obama has a high-profile dinner date tonight in the San Francisco Bay Area. He's scheduled to meet with a handful of the tech...

National Wireless Initiative

Feb 11, 2011
This was announced by President Obama yesterday in Michigan. It calls for the freeing up of 500mhz of spectrum. That would be procured by way of...