How much does the average American worker make?

Jul 24, 2013
Who earns median wage and what kind of education, housing, healthcare and retirement savings can they afford?

President Obama, Congress and the middle class

Jul 23, 2013
President Obama says he is going to refocus his efforts on the economy. How much can he really do?

Obama to kick off White House economic offensive

Jul 22, 2013
Starting Wednesday, President Obama will make a series of speeches on the economy. He's trying to set the stage for this fall.

Natgas, renewables and the future economy

Jul 10, 2013
Michael Levi of the Council on Foreign Relations discusses two unfolding energy revolutions: the natural gas boom and the rise of renewables.

U.S. business gets a ticket to Obama's Africa trip

Jun 26, 2013
President Obama's week-long trip to Africa will take him to Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. Obama's visit is aimed, in part, at increasing U.S. trade and investment in Africa.
President Obama's week-long trip to Africa will take him to Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. Obama's visit is aimed, in part, at increasing U.S. trade and investment in Africa.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Forget Congress: How Obama can fight climate change solo

Jun 25, 2013
After years of butting heads with congressional Republicans, President Obama will announce climate change policies through administrative action.

Climate change policy: Tech winners and losers

Jun 25, 2013
President Obama will announce a plan on Tuesday designed to push forward his administration's goals on confronting climate change. Which technologies will get the go-ahead?

For public good, not for profit.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Obama

Jun 17, 2013
An ice cream shop in Northern Ireland geared up for the G-8 summit by creating eight new flavors of ice cream, one for each Group of Eight leader.

Obama administration convinced EU leaders to drop spying measure: Report

Jun 13, 2013
The Obama Administration successfully lobbied the EU to do away with a proposed data privacy measure, according to a report in the Financial Times. The exclusion would make it easier for the U.S. to spy on EU citizens.

The environment comes out ahead from Xi-Obama summit

Jun 10, 2013
President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have wrapped up their California summit. The big breakthrough of the summit wasn’t on cybersecurity or trade, but on climate change.