In NSA surveillance, what choice do companies have?

Jun 7, 2013
New revelations show the federal government’s spying program isn’t contained to just telecommunications giant Verizon.

Coachella Valley businesses see benefit in Presidential summit

Jun 6, 2013
Their governments may not want to publicize the cost of President Obama's meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Sunnylands, but local business owners are looking forward to a mini-economic boom.
The Sunnylands compound in Coachella Valley, Calif. 
Creative Commons/flickr

NSA collecting millions of Verizon Business phone records: Report

Jun 6, 2013
The National Security Agency has reportedly been collecting phone records of not the few, but the many.

Despite controversy over drones abroad, some see potential positive uses at home

May 24, 2013
The President has confirmed that drone strikes have killed Americans abroad. But he strongly defends the U.S. drone program, saying its use has been important to the war against terrorism.

Could the country’s largest public power utility really become private?

May 22, 2013
President Obama floated the idea of selling the Tennessee Valley Authority in his budget, released last month. He started receiving pushback almost immediately.

What happens when a billionaire faces Congressional confirmation?

May 20, 2013
Commerce Secretary nominee and Hyatt heiress Penny Pritzker will have to shift her billions to avoid conflicts of interest, and prepare for questions about the family business.

China reacts to U.S. accusations of cyber spying

May 7, 2013
The Chinese government reacts to accusations from the Obama administration that China's government is cyber-spying on U.S. government computer systems.

For public good, not for profit.

The planet's most expensive prison: Guantanamo by the numbers

May 3, 2013
The Department of Defense wants to spend nearly $200 million to upgrade facilities at Guantanamo Bay. President Obama wants to shut it down for good. We take a look at the numbers behind the planet's most expensive prison.

Obama's digital director takes his talents to business world

May 3, 2013
Big data helped the President Obama's campaign team identify potential voters and get them to the polls. Now Teddy Goff, who was digital director of Obama's 2012 campaign, is taking his ideas to the business world.

The economic stakes with Mexico: Immigration, trade, and security

May 2, 2013
President Obama heads to Mexico today to meet with that country's new President Enrique Peña Nieto. The two leaders will discuss immigration reform, trade, and economics.