Meet the two new nominees for President Obama's economic team

May 2, 2013
The president has nominated Penny Pritzker to run the Commerce Department, and Michael Froman as the next U.S. trade representative.

Obama nominates former lobbyist, hall-of-famer Wheeler to head FCC

May 2, 2013
The Federal Communications Commission has a new chairman, Tom Wheeler. If confirmed by the Senate, he'll replace Julius Genachowski, who resigned in March.

Obama budgets money to tug asteroids into orbit

Apr 11, 2013
Where does tech fit into President Obama's new budget proposal? One answer is the $17.7 billion set aside for the U.S. space program.

Obama, House Republicans move toward austerity

Apr 10, 2013
David Kelly, chief global strategist at JP Morgan Funds, joins Marketplace Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to explain Obama's proposed budget and how it differs from House Republican plans.

President Obama looks to reduce Social Security cost of living increases with 'chained CPI'

Apr 5, 2013
President Obama's new budget proposal -- which will be formally unveiled next week -- includes a move to slow payments to Social Security.

NIH director welcomes BRAIN initiative

Apr 4, 2013
National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins says government funding is the best way to support large scientific enterprises and fundamental health advances.

Quiz: How much will gas mileage standards save you?

Apr 2, 2013
If the Obama administration's fuel efficiency standards, which are set for 2025, were enforced today, how much less money would each American driver spend per year on gasoline?

For public good, not for profit.

Could EPA sulfur cuts affect gas prices?

Mar 29, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose a new rule today that will require refiners to cut the amount of sulfur in gasoline by two thirds.

The economics of creating national monuments

Mar 25, 2013
President Obama is expected to name five new national monuments on Monday. In addition to historical significance and land preservation, national monuments can boost local economies through tourism.

Cybersecurity in Obama's Situation Room

Mar 13, 2013
President Obama is meeting at the White House this morning with corporate CEO's to talk about cybersecurity. Obama told ABC News that computer attacks are ramping up, including some that are state sponsored.