Keeping Obama's machine -- and mailing list -- going

Mar 13, 2013
Tonight, President Obama speaks to the non-profit group, Organizing, for America, which some have described as the president's never-ending campaign. Where is the money behind the organization coming from?

Budget fail: How long can Washington get along without a spending plan?

Mar 12, 2013
Washington Republicans and Democrats don't seem close to agreeing on a budget, but does the U.S. really need a federal budget in the first place?

Sequester will seriously damage job growth: Obama economic adviser

Mar 8, 2013
Alan Krueger, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, breaks down the latest jobs report and shares his thoughts on the sequestration.

Will the White House make unlocking your cellphone easier?

Mar 5, 2013
Copyright authorities in Washington have recently started to take a dim view of people who want to switch their cellphone from one carrier to another. But now, phone 'unlockers' are getting some support from the White House.

Trains will move tar sands oil, if the Keystone XL doesn't

Mar 4, 2013
A study commissioned by the State Department concludes that building the Keystone XL pipeline won't contribute to global warming, because Canadian tar sands oil will get to market with or without the pipeline.

Keystone pipeline gets good news: State Department report

Mar 4, 2013
The Obama administration is not expected to decide whether to approve the controversial Keystone pipeline until this summer, but a new report gives clues about the White House's pipeline strategy.

Sen. Chuck Grassley: We will go into sequester

Feb 28, 2013
U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) joins Marketplace Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to discuss the sequester and its likely impact on the economy.

For public good, not for profit.

Connecticut elected officials vs. Facebook on protecting Newton families

Feb 27, 2013
Elected officials in Connecticut want Facebook to take Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist pages down; Facebook says no -- but points out that it has been dealing with the issue and is in constant contact with families affected by the tragedy.

How does the sequester compare to budget cuts past? A brief history

Feb 26, 2013
Budget cuts known as sequester aren’t unprecedented, experts say. But their timing and indiscriminate nature are worrying.

Sequester: A fiscal cliff we will go over

Feb 25, 2013
Although Congress has avoided several fiscal deadlines in the eleventh-hour in the last few months, many political analysts are not optimistic a sequester deal will be struck.