Sequester cuts: Economic threat or all politics?

Feb 25, 2013
As the government gets closer to the sequester deadline, the warnings about what the federal budget cuts would mean are getting louder.

Local TV gets presidential exclusive

Feb 21, 2013
The president gave interviews Wednesday to eight local TV stations in markets with a lot at stake in the fight over the across the board budget cuts.

A Presidential step toward cybersecurity

Feb 14, 2013
President Obama's executive order for increased sharing between government agencies and large infrastructure companies endeavors to help bypass Congress in a fast-moving Internet attack.

The State of the Union for education

Feb 13, 2013
What are President Obama's plans for universal pre-school access, high-school funding, and higher education?

Would Obama's $9 minimum wage help or hurt workers?

Feb 13, 2013
During his State of the Union address last night, President Obama proposed to raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour.

The gun-show loophole: Not about gun shows, and not a loophole

Feb 12, 2013
Most vendors at gun shows are federally licensed dealers, who are required to do background checks on buyers. It's gun collectors and private sellers that aren't federally licensed.

State of the Union for jobs: A preview

Feb 12, 2013
Juli Niemann, an analyst with Smith Moore & Company, shares her thoughts on what Obama will highlight and the state of jobs and the economy.

For public good, not for profit.

Where does tech fit on the president's agenda?

Feb 12, 2013
Who's that sitting near the first lady at the president State of the Union address? Word is it's going to be Apple CEO Tim Cook.

The fiscal cliff reprise: Meet the sequester

Feb 11, 2013
There are less than three weeks to go until Washington's latest budget deadline -- the $85 billion spending cut package known as the sequester.

What's at stake for farmers in immigration debate

Feb 7, 2013
As President Obama meets with Congress today to discuss immigration policy, the U.S. agriculture industry looks on with hopes for reform.