HHS documents show Obamacare marketing was working in 2016

Sep 20, 2017
Under the Obama administration, health officials not only invested in an ACA media blitz, but also in measuring its efficacy, according to the former chief marketing officer for the federal health insurance exchange HealthCare.gov.
An Obamacare logo is shown on a clinic in Miami, Florida on Jan. 10.

So just what is a single-payer system?

Sep 13, 2017
Sarah Kliff of Vox explains Bernie Sander's new universal health care plan, Medicaid for All.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, introduces the Medicare for All legislation, his plan for government-sponsored universal health care, on Capitol Hill today.

To fix Obamacare, look back at another health care battle

Sep 6, 2017
Medicare Advantage was once in jeopardy, too. But then Congress stepped in.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Budget is slashed for Obamacare sign up ads

Sep 1, 2017
The Department of Health and Human Services announced it would cut Obamacare advertising money by $90 million, a 90 percent overall cut. The money was meant to be used to encourage people to sign up for insurance coverage. To critics, this is just another sign the Trump Administration is trying to sabotage the law that […]

What next for health care in the United States?

Jul 28, 2017
"There is now an expectation that people should have access to care."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) walks with an aide as he leaves the Senate floor following a Motion to commit vote on HR 1628 (American Health Care Act) on Capitol Hill, July 26, 2017 in Washington, DC. 
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

How Trump could still cause Obamacare to collapse

Jul 28, 2017
Republican legislation may have been shot down Friday morning, but the health law's future is still uncertain.
Dr. Martha Perez examines patient Dorothy Jolly at the Community Health of South Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

More Americans are working through cancer

Jul 27, 2017
Sen. McCain is one out of millions of Americans who return to work after cancer treatment or diagnosis.
Cathy Bradley says many cancer patients stay at work because they need the health insurance their employer provides.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

The cost of repealing — but not replacing — Obamacare

Jul 20, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office has released its latest calculations. What does this means for the GOP's health care plans?
The Biden administration is offering free coverage until New Year's to people who have received jobless benefits in 2021.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Congress has three weeks before its next break — and a mighty long to-do list

Jul 10, 2017
Congress is back from its July Fourth break, facing a daunting to-do list, like the reauthorization of expiring programs, funding for veterans, children’s health insurance and the Federal Aviation Administration. Lawmakers are scheduled to start their August recess in just three weeks. Health care is at the top of Congress’ agenda, but if it doesn’t […]

Will the Senate's new GOP health care bill ultimately lead to better services?

Jun 23, 2017
Some people may end up not seeking treatment.
Peter Yanez, who is insured under a policy from the Affordable Care Act, has blood drawn by Linda Williams, a medical assistant, at a Planned Parenthood health center in Miami, Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images