Proposed global minimum tax faces tough hurdles, in the U.S. as overseas

Jun 7, 2021
An agreement by the G-7 to set minimum levels of corporate tax will need ratification by governments and, closer to home, faces an uphill battle in Congress.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at the G7 Finance Ministers Meeting in London on June 5, 2021.
Alberto Pezzali/Getty Images

Why it's so hard to strike a deal on a global corporate tax

Apr 7, 2021
A major international group is trying to prevent companies from shifting profits to countries with low tax rates.
The Biden administration supports a corporate tax hike to 28%. That could lead to more attempts to game the system and shift profits overseas.
David Dee Delgado/Getty Images

Even with a vaccine, global economic recovery will be starkly uneven — OECD

Dec 1, 2020
OECD chief economist Laurence Boone says governments must double down on providing support to avoid "scarring effects."
OECD chief economist Laurence Boone says children whose schooling has been affected by COVID-19 are among those likely to be "scarred" long-term.
Johannes Eisele/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. walks out on global digital tax negotiations

Jun 18, 2020
The move escalates a trade dispute over how much tech companies can be taxed outside their home countries.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sent a letter to to several finance ministers in Europe asking for a pause in negotiations about a digital tax.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

OECD: Growth downgraded, fiscal policy needed

Sep 19, 2019
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development echoes central bankers, saying monetary policy alone can't spur global growth.
Laurence Boone, chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, presents the OECD interim economic outlook in Paris in 2018.
Eric Piermont/AFP/Getty Images

OECD: Global economy is slowing

Mar 6, 2019
The OECD predicts lower growth than last year, from China to North America.
The OECD predicts lower growth than last year, from China to North America.

The experience of getting older will be very different for today’s young people

Oct 19, 2017
A new Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report said that as younger generations are getting older, their experience of aging is dramatically different to those who came before. One big difference — growing inequality between the affluent and less well off. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

For public good, not for profit.

Why the global economy is stuck in a 'low-growth trap'

Jun 1, 2016
And what policymakers should do about it.