Explaining how oil prices work, after the cost of a barrel dropped below zero

Apr 21, 2020
At this point, oil is like that broken-down car you pay to have towed off to the junkyard.
The agreement to cut production from OPEC, Russia and the U.S. clearly hasn't worked.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Can even a deal to cut oil production increase prices amid COVID-19?

Demand for oil is falling so quickly that even a reduction in supply will take some time to affect markets.
Many shale oil companies can operate profitably with prices so low.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

"Suppliers are sexy," but the real oil collapse story is demand

Apr 3, 2020
A historic plunge in demand during the global pandemic has pushed U.S. average gasoline prices to $1.91 a gallon.
There's a lack of demand for oil as people stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Above, a woman wearing gloves gases up her car in Los Angeles on March 18.
Chris Delmas/AFP via Getty Images

West Texas oil patch girds for bust as crude price craters toward $20 a barrel

Mar 18, 2020
The Permian Basin region, anchored by the towns of Midland and Odessa, has survived past shakeouts, but some think this could resemble the crash of the 1980s.
A crude oil pipeline in Texas.
Joe Raedle/Newsmakers

Oil price war: Saudis have lowest costs; doesn't mean they'll win

Mar 10, 2020
Low oil prices affect all producer nations. Each has different vulnerabilities.
Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

Coronavirus: OPEC-Russia consider emergency meeting to cut supply in response to anemic Chinese demand

Feb 3, 2020
Nervous traders are selling oil contracts first and asking questions later.
Ryad Kramdi/AFP via Getty Images

Iran's painful economic reality

Jan 6, 2020
A George Washington University professor emeritus explains the consequences of 40 years of sanctions.
Young girls in Tehran walk in front of a mural showing the Iranian flag in April.
Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Cost of shipping oil rises as tankers face more attack risk

Oct 11, 2019
A string of recent oil tanker attacks is leading the industry to take extra precautions and raise shipping and insurance rates.
Fire and smoke billow from a Norwegian-owned oil tanker said to have been attacked in the waters of the Gulf of Oman in June 2019.
AFP/Getty Images

IEA releases new oil market numbers amid demand concerns

Oct 11, 2019
Demand for oil is growing, but barely; it's at the lowest rate in a decade.

Oil infrastructure limits ability of U.S. to quickly ramp up exports

Sep 16, 2019
Problems like shallow shipping channels are one reason the U.S., despite being the world's biggest oil producer, is not its biggest exporter.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images