The Ryan effect -- on brands, even hobbies he likes

Aug 13, 2012
Political stars have a way of driving business. What impact will Paul Ryan’s passion for fitness and outdoor activities have in the marketplace?

Does 'it's the budget, stupid' resonate with voters?

Aug 13, 2012
Republican veep pick Paul Ryan a name for himself by proposing deep cuts in the federal budget. Will his focus on budget issues play well in November?

Romney's choice of Ryan is about 'substance'

Aug 13, 2012
Politico's Glenn Thrush says Mitt Romney chose to roll the dice with Paul Ryan as his vice president pick because he's betting that voters are craving "substance" and more adult conversations about the deficit and budgets.

Paul Ryan's Wall Street connections

Aug 13, 2012
Many Americans are just getting to know Mr. Ryan, who is most famous for his budget plan. But he is already well known on Wall Street.

Inside vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's budget plan

Aug 13, 2012
Wisconsin congressman and now Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan will be in Iowa today, talking with voters at the state fair. It'll be Ryan's first solo-appearance since Mitt Romney announced Ryan as his running mate on Saturday.

For public good, not for profit.

Barack Obama's already lost one congressional district

Aug 13, 2012
Don't expect the Wisconsin's 1st District to go blue this November.

Paul Ryan budget plan dead in the Senate

Mar 29, 2012
The GOP casts itself as the party of fiscal discipline. The Paul Ryan budget blueprint does not close deficits until around 2040.

Bipartisan legislation on Medicare unveiled

Dec 16, 2011
Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Paul Ryan released a bipartisan Medicare reform plan. The timing, amid budget and payroll tax fights, could be intentional.