The budget math of the payroll tax extension

Feb 13, 2012
The details of the payroll tax reduction, the chances it’ll be extended and how it’ll be paid for.

Problems remain for Congress in 2012

Dec 27, 2011
Decisions over the payroll tax cuts, Bush tax cuts, and a number of equally heated issues are coming up next year, meaning the bickering in Washington, D.C. will probably continue.

The decisions Washington's put off to 2012

Dec 27, 2011
While a temporary deal was reached, come February a whole new debate will be emerge surrounding the payroll tax cut, unemployment benefits, and Medicare payments to doctors.

Mortgage lenders foot bill for payroll cut extension

Dec 23, 2011
Mortgage lenders will pay higher fees to Fannie and Freddie to guarantee their loans. That pays for the extension of the payroll tax cut.

How will the payroll tax cut be paid for?

Dec 23, 2011
The payroll tax cut is expected to be extended for another two months. How will lawmakers come up with the billions it's going to cost?

PODCAST: Who gets the big holiday tips, impact of the payroll tax cut extension

Dec 23, 2011
Congress has passed the payroll tax cut extension. We take a look at what the means for consumers. We have some numbers for you: Consumer spending grew just 0.1 percent in November, while orders for U.S. factory goods went up 3.8 percent. Plus, what is the most pessimistic country in the world? And find out which professions receive the biggest holiday tips.

For public good, not for profit.

Is payroll tax extension a win for consumers?

Dec 23, 2011
The payroll tax cut extension amounts to an extra $1,000 in the average workers' pocket for 2012. What does it mean for the economy?

Lessons learned from Washington's down-to-the-wire deadlines

Dec 23, 2011
What have Wall Street economists learned from watching Washington lawmakers duke it out over things like extending the payroll tax cuts?

The House caves: GOP leaders accept two-month extension of payroll tax cut

Dec 22, 2011
At the urging of President Obama and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the GOP-led House say they will pass a two-month payroll tax cut extension.