Black Friday sale: $199 for a PlayBook

Nov 18, 2011
Don't get sacked in the end zone. A good play from an actual play book and a good strategy to co-opt for your pre-dawn shopping.

PlayBook not dead yet, feeling much better, going to go for a walk

Sep 30, 2011
Research In Motion, the still-existing company behind BlackBerry, says its not yet killing off the PlayBook tablet. The PlayBook launched a few...

Playbook: the next HP Touchpad!

Sep 27, 2011
As in, a tablet that some people really like but you can now get it for a heck of a lot cheaper than when it launched a few months ago. Best Buy,...

For public good, not for profit.

Financial Times circumvents Apple app store to launch app

Jun 8, 2011
Well, this will be fun to watch play out. The oddly colored newspaper Financial times has launched a new app that works on the iPad but doesn't...

PlayBook reviews are in and they are not good

Apr 14, 2011
Research In Motion's long awaited tablet is now in the hands of reviewers and they're not digging it so much. Which is really enormously bad news...

Apple delays launch of PlayBook

Apr 7, 2011
Waaaaaait a second! Apple doesn't even MAKE the PlayBook, that's Research In Motion's product, the tablet heir to the BlackBerry. Yes, you're right...