In Chicago, police misconduct has a hefty price tag

Mar 13, 2015
Chicago paid more than half a billion dollars over 10 years, and it's not alone.

Police fees shore up budgets in many towns

Mar 11, 2015
Experts say local governments have been relying on police ticketing and fees

Ferguson operates police department as a profit center

Mar 5, 2015
It's not alone. Experts say law-enforcement is full of perverse incentives.

More diverse police forces are only the first step

Dec 8, 2014
Adding minority patrol officers isn't a quick fix. Experts say better leadership, policy changes are also needed.

On-the-ground coverage from protests Ferguson

Nov 25, 2014
Marketplace's Adam Allington is in Missouri covering the grand jury decision.

For public good, not for profit.

To prevent crime, predict it

Aug 27, 2014
How looking at data to predict crime trends can help -- or harm -- citizens.

Bringing accountability to police through data

Aug 26, 2014
How the use of data collection and analysis tools could improve policing.