DeVos faced tough questions about education budget on the Hill

May 24, 2017
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was on the Hill today defending the president’s 2018 budget request before a House appropriations subcommittee. The White House has proposed cutting or shrinking more than 30 federal education programs, shaving more than 13 percent off the overall budget. That’s the biggest proposed cut to the department’s discretionary funding since the […]

CBO score tallies how many will be covered by revised GOP health plan

May 24, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office will release its assessment, or “score,” of the House GOP’s revised health plan this afternoon. When the first draft was released back in March, the CBO estimated 24 million people would lose health insurance under that plan. Among the questions are, will this revised plan cover more people than the last […]

If $7 billion in Obamacare subsidies disappear, insurers will likely raise premiums

May 23, 2017
Legal wrangling between the Trump Administration and House Republicans leaves $7 billion of Obamacare subsidies in question. That has health insurance executives reaching for antacid, because it means they may have to jack up premiums. They have to assume that fewer people will buy health insurance if they don’t get subsidies to pay for it, […]

Mar-a-Lago has cyber security weaknesses

May 22, 2017
A ProPublica and Gizmodo investigation found weak cyber security at Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties.
The Trump helicopter is seen at the Mar-a-Lago Resort where President Donald Trump has hosted Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

How much does it cost to send someone to prison?

May 19, 2017
It's expensive for families as well as taxpayers.
A detention officer looks on as visitors use video phones to communicate with prisoners at an Arizona jail.

Trade is center stage as President Trump heads to Saudi Arabia

May 19, 2017
President Trump travels to Saudi Arabia today, the first stop on his first foreign trip as president. A number of American CEOs are also tagging along because, it turns out, there are deals to be done in Saudi Arabia. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.  

That whole Panama Papers scandal? The U.S. also needs to take a look at itself

May 19, 2017
Similar tactics to hide money are taking place in states like Delaware.
Public trust in government is at a historic low, according to a recent Pew survey.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Roger Ailes transformed 'American politics into a contact sport'

May 18, 2017
Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine says Fox News trying to find its identity.
Roger Ailes, founder of Fox News, has died at 77. Ailes left Fox News last year amid accusations of sexual harassment.
Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

The Capitol built a little ramp for DC ducks

May 16, 2017
Maybe the cutest government infrastructure project.
A mother duck provides shade for her ducklings in a pond near the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

5 percent of patients drive 50 percent of health care spending. A new bill aims to change that.

May 16, 2017
Republicans and Democrats don’t quite see eye to eye when it comes to repealing Obamacare. But when the Senate Finance Committee meets today, there’s likely to be common ground on how to improve care for the 3.5 million sickest and most expensive Medicare patients: a new bipartisan bill that targets new treatments for the people […]