The high cost of government shutdowns

May 2, 2017
Besides furloughed workers, there are consequences for the broader economy.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, flanked by senators Cory Gardner (R-CO), far left, John Barrasso (R-WY), left, and  John Thune (R-SD), right, discusses the recent spending bill that averted a government shutdown after the weekly policy luncheon on Capitol Hill today.
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

Entrenched stumbling blocks loom over next budget negotiations

May 1, 2017
Congressional negotiators have reached a $1 trillion deal to fund the government through September. If approved by both chambers before Friday, the deal would avoid a government shutdown. But short-term budgets and stopgap measures are inefficient and wasteful tools for running a government. Beyond the dissent over what gets funded and what’s on the chopping […]

Would a Mexican-U.S. border wall help or hurt the economy?

May 1, 2017
In our latest Marketplace-Edison Research Poll, we asked Americans how they felt about President Trump's border wall, and other stances on immigration.
Border Patrol agents patrol the U.S.-Mexico border at Friendship Park in San Ysidro, California, in  April..

What Democrats and Republicans stand to gain from Congress' new $1 trillion spending bill

May 1, 2017
Some of Trump's key proposals, like his call for a U.S.-Mexico border, will not receive funding.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
At Presque Isle Angler Bait and Tackle in Erie, you can get fishing supplies along with a read on the economy.
Caitlin Esch

What happens when government breaks the rules

Apr 28, 2017
How do the three branches of government run when things aren't going according to plan?
NFL players Anquan Boldin and Malcolm Jenkins have twice lobbied Congress for criminal justice reform.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

How hacktivism intersects with the law

Apr 28, 2017
Activists are using technology, sometimes illegally, to promote social and political change. What kind of legal backlash do they face?
A demonstrator, and supporter of the group Anonymous, rests during a protest against corrupt governments and corporations in front of the White House in Washington, D.C.
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

A Mexican movement pushes back against U.S. corn

Apr 27, 2017
The 'No Maiz Gringo' campaign is putting pressure on Mexico's government to restrict imports of corn from the U.S.
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

How the Panic of 1837 predicted the Great Recession

Apr 26, 2017
Going into the Panic of 1837 the market was booming and credit was flowing from banks. Sound familiar?
“We haven't sorted out whether we want to be a country based primarily for the individual or for the society as a whole, and that really does stem back at least to the 19th century and probably even earlier than that,” said Philip Gura, author of the book, “Man’s Better Angels.”
Wikimedia Commons

Why women and men view the economy differently

Apr 25, 2017
A new Marketplace-Edison Research poll finds a persistent gender gap.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images