Debt vote helps create a sense of certainty

Feb 11, 2014
Increasing government borrowing authority eases worries.

One windfall from the shutdown? Political donations

Oct 2, 2013
Both parties are using the government shutdown to raise money and it’s working -- for now.

Will New York voters forgive ex-governor Spitzer?

Jul 8, 2013
Eliot Spitzer resigned as New York governor in 2008 over a prostitution scandal. Now he wants to be New York City comptroller, with ambitions to transform the unheralded post.
Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer is mobbed by reporters while attempting to collect signatures to run for comptroller of New York City on July 8, 2013 in New York City.
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Supreme Court could cause trouble for consumer watchdog

Jun 20, 2013
The Supreme Court is expected to take a case on whether several recess appointments were constitutional -- and that has implications for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Public comment, 21st century-style

May 31, 2013
Lawmakers revive a public comment campaign, with a modern-day twist.

If millionaires formed a political party, they'd have a lock on government

May 9, 2013
A Duke professor asks: What would happen if all the millionaires in public office joined a single political party? Answer: They'd control the federal government by a wide margin.

Social media is no soap box for the poor: Study

Apr 26, 2013
A new study by the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project shows that social media and the Internet are not helping much to get poorer people engaged in civic life.

For public good, not for profit.

Political intelligence or insider trading?

Apr 4, 2013
The Government Accountability Office is releasing a new report on the so-called 'political intelligence' industry -- a growing arm of investment research.

Mayor Bloomberg's wealth holds lessons for politics

Apr 2, 2013
As a multi-billionaire, Michael Bloomberg has governed New York free from debts to special interests. But there's another side to that independence.

'March Madness' Beltway style

Mar 21, 2013
The NCAA men’s basketball tournament kicks off today, and there is big money at stake -- in office pools, of course, and in Washington, where the tournament is a gimmick for politicians raising campaign cash.