Keeping Obama's machine -- and mailing list -- going

Mar 13, 2013
Tonight, President Obama speaks to the non-profit group, Organizing, for America, which some have described as the president's never-ending campaign. Where is the money behind the organization coming from?

@Mayor: Cory Booker on the power of technology

Mar 13, 2013
Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker talks to Marketplace Tech about his new social media start-up and why he tweets so much.

Negotiating: 'Deal or no deal' works in business, not politics

Feb 28, 2013
Businesses issue ultimatums all the time. Politics requires negotiations, whether before -- or after -- a crisis.

Washington Post Truth Teller app aims to fact check politicians in real-time

Feb 4, 2013
A new app from the Washington Post aims to automatically check political speeches for lies, darn lies, and other misrepresentations.

A Data-Mining Inauguration App, and a 3D printed Smartphone Case

Jan 21, 2013
A new app from the Presidential Inauguration Committee seems like a handy tool for people visiting Washington, D.C. to watch President Obama take his second (public) Oath of Office. But critics say the app is data-mining for political purposes.

Flow of political money may continue in Massachusetts

Dec 17, 2012
With U.S. Sen. John Kerry on the short list to become Secretary of State, Massachusetts could be in line for its third U.S. Senate election in just more than two years. It's meant big bucks spent in advertising.

Moving to Canada? Better get a lawyer

Oct 24, 2012
The old political punchline about moving to Canada if an election goes the wrong way is more than a joke to some -- and a lot harder to pull off than most people suspect.

For public good, not for profit.

You can get fired for talking politics at work

Oct 22, 2012
Depending on where you live, and what kind of company you work for, your boss can tell you who they want you to vote for. And they can fire you if you don't.

Why we still can't vote online, and why that may be a good thing

Oct 15, 2012
We can support candidates with a text, participate in polls, even register to vote online, but we still can't vote that way -- which might be good news.

A new digital music battle, and online gaming as political liability

Oct 7, 2012
A Maine state senate candidate gets attacked for her online gaming activities, and a startup that wants to help you sell your used MP3s goes to court against a big entertainment company.