Decisions on students, health care and immigration pending

Jun 25, 2012
A decision is expected from the Supreme Court on President Obama's health care overhaul, which is sure to have big economic implications however it is decided -- but there are some other high stakes battles going on.

Plan would strip conventions of taxpayer money

Jun 5, 2012
A Senate bill may end $36 million in funding for Republican and Democratic national conventions -- money that pays for everything from patriotic flags to the teleprompter.

What's not getting done in Washington

May 29, 2012
There's a long list of legislative issues on hold. Blame the upcoming election.

The Obama Dashboard and what it means

May 25, 2012
The President’s re-election campaign is using high tech tools for grass roots organizing

Rahm Emanuel on Chicago, U.S. economy

Apr 2, 2012
The mayor of Chicago is planning a complete makeover for his city, including a new runway at O'Hare Airport, upgrades to rail and bus service, and a rebuilding of the city's water and sewer system.

Candidates use YouTube to rally, not persuade

Mar 20, 2012
Forget pricey TV spots. Political campaigners turn to YouTube for free and fast distribution of their political ads.

Super PAC spending in Michigan and beyond

Feb 21, 2012
Republican presidential candidates are spending millions on the state's airwaves. But those ads are more and more often not being paid for by official campaigns but by giant political action committees -- super PACs.

For public good, not for profit.

Payroll tax cut extension deal could come soon

Feb 14, 2012
After much disagreement, it looks as though House Republicans and Democrats might soon agree to extend the payroll tax cuts, which put a little extra money into our wallets each month.

President Obama to announce 2013 budget

Feb 10, 2012
President Obama unveils his budget for next year on Monday, at a community college just outside of Washington, D.C. But how serious is this executive branch wish list in a gridlocked Washington?

Rep. Spencer Bachus faces insider trading allegations

Feb 10, 2012
In the midst of debates that could potentially tighten the rules on insider trading in Washington, the head of the House Financial Services Committee faces serious allegations.