Survey says: People don't trust pollsters anymore

Aug 27, 2014
As the way we use our phones changes, pollsters get left behind.

Among the winners in 2012? Pollsters

Nov 8, 2012
Polls drew a lot of eyeballs to media sites this election, but creating a good poll isn't so easy.

Post-election, a polling conundrum

Nov 7, 2012
Gallup's editor-in-chief on last night's election results and the rise of poll "aggregators."

Exit pollster reduces size of survey in non-swing states

Nov 5, 2012
Edison Research will divert resources from largely predictable states to swing states, 'where the news is.'

How do you know if a poll is right?

Oct 25, 2012
Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport addresses recent criticism of Gallup's polling.

Gallup poll: Romney leads on economy

Oct 25, 2012
Gallup's national daily tracking poll gained some attention this past week. Some critics say the poll, which shows a solid lead for Governor Mitt Romney, is out-of-step with other national polls that indicate the race is much closer.

For public good, not for profit.

Nate Silver on political polling in the cellphone and social media age

Oct 22, 2012
Nate Silver, who tracks polls at the New York Times blog Five Thirty Eight, says that technology is great for forecasting political races, if we use it correctly.

Poll: How much do you like or trust public opinion polling?

Oct 4, 2012
After the first presidential debate on Wednesday, the political polling season is about to kick into high gear. Why polls matter, and why we like them so much.