Stories Tagged as
Pope Francis' message on climate change and markets
Scott Tong
Sep 21, 2015
The pope is likely to preach about climate change and economics when he is in the U.S.
India's air pollution problem
Jan 23, 2015
Cities in India have air that's four times deadlier than Beijing's.
How EPA weighs costs, benefits of air pollution regulation
Stan Alcorn
Nov 26, 2014
Agency is forbidden from taking costs into account when writing rules like one proposed this week that would lower amount of smog-causing ozone allowed in the air.
The cost of living up to the U.S.-China climate deal
Stan Alcorn
Nov 12, 2014
The U.S. and China are drawing a line in the sand on greenhouse gas emissions.
Acid rain aftermath: damaged ecology, damaged politics
Dan Bobkoff
Jul 16, 2014
Why reducing acid in rain is just the first step in recovery.
Live from under the sea, it's Fabien Cousteau
Molly Wood
Jun 17, 2014
Fabien Cousteau will spend 31 days living in an underwater laboratory
We're already halfway toward the EPA's new CO2 limits
Jun 2, 2014
That's the good news. Less good: The next half is the hard part.
For public good, not for profit.
In China, a city's water, poisoned
Rob Schmitz
Apr 14, 2014
Lanzhou’s water supply was contaminated with Benzene, a cancer-causing chemical
The history of coal as a brand
Jan 20, 2014
Coal may be synonymous with pollution but as coal historian Barbara Freese found, that wasn’t always the case.
EPA rules on coal plants' emissions will require new technology
Sep 20, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency's is issuing new limits on emissions by coal-burning plants that new plants will need advanced carbon-capture technology to comply.