Walmart moves to bar Black Friday protests

Nov 20, 2012
Walmart files a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board to try and stop anti-Walmart protests from taking place on Black Friday.
Customers walk outside a Walmart store on November 17, 2012 in Norwalk, Connecticut.

Greeks take part in nationwide strike

Sep 26, 2012
Greece has been shut down today because of a huge nationwide strike. Fifty thousand people took to the streets of Athens and police fired tear gas after violence broke out near the parliament. The issue, of course, is austerity: The very unpopular budget cuts going on as part of the solution to the debt crisis.

In Western China, Tibetans stage protests

Jan 26, 2012
Protests in largely Tibetan areas of Western China turn violent as frustration over Chinese policies grows. Tibetans want more say.

Dear Wall Street, this is why the people are angry

Oct 14, 2011
Josh Brown may be in the same group as the bankers and brokers that the Occupy movements are protesting against, but he's just as angry as the protestors are at his own industry.