Hiring is hard. So is keeping the workers you have.

Feb 4, 2022
As companies try to hold on to the workers they have, pay and benefits are on the up and up. That may not be enough.
In a remote work environment, employees may have fewer social connections that may otherwise make them stick around.
Prostock-Studio/Getty Images

Employers try an unfamiliar tactic to attract workers: raising wages

May 13, 2021
McDonald's has joined Chipotle in offering higher wages. And it's hard to undo that.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images

Stuck in place: the American economy

Oct 27, 2015
The Marketplace-Edison Research Poll shows many Americans feel economically stuck.
Pay raises aren't what they used to be.

Rebounding economy could mean more pay raises

Dec 26, 2014
2015: The return of the raise?

Why you've been getting bonuses, not raises, lately

Aug 29, 2014
Companies are handing out bonuses, not raises, and that could be bad for you.

Why do women get smaller raises than men?

Aug 3, 2012
A recent study showed that managers gave men more than two-thirds of the available raise pool.
A professor says she thinks that the gender wage gap can partially be due to assumptions managers may have about what kinds of rewards male and female employees may value.

For public good, not for profit.