Investors move in on beachfront property after Sandy

Nov 13, 2012
As many homeowners move out, investors will move in. The real estate adage 'Location, location, location' may still trump the risk.

Realtors spend big on California race

Sep 24, 2012
The campaign Rep. Brad Sherman, D-Calif., gets a $500,000 boost from the National Association of Realtors

Listener questions on saving, spending, and managing debt

Sep 21, 2012
Host Tess Vigeland and Jill Schlesinger, editor at large for CBS's, answers listener questions about retirement, savings, students loans, and money management.

Home prices up for first time since 2010

Aug 28, 2012
News that the S&P/Case Shiller home price index is up from last year may be the first solid sign of a long-awaited housing market recovery.

Judge says TVA is liable for Knoxville spill

Aug 24, 2012
A federal judge said the Tennessee Valley Authority is liable for the big sludge spill at its power plant near Knoxville a few years back. Millions of tons of coal ash spilled out of a man-made lake and blanketed nearby rivers and land.

New Orleans' housing market recovery

Aug 17, 2012
A long-time real estate agent in New Orleans talks about the strides made and the challenges being faced in the housing market there.

A dream house of stucco and sheet metal

Aug 10, 2012
Architect Jayna Cooper built her ideal home -- while sticking to a tight budget and using basic construction materials.
Architect Jayna Cooper built her home on La Brea Avenue, south of the 10 Freeway. She was able to build her ideal home while on a limited budget.
Courtesy of Dwell Magazine

For public good, not for profit.

Collective home ownership on the rise

Aug 10, 2012
Your friends and you have been through a lot together -- but do you think you can buy a house with them?

Paradigm change: Young people and home ownership

Aug 10, 2012
Buying into the American Dream? Renting for life? For younger people, home ownership is less cut-and-dry than it was a generation ago.

How much is that 'green' label on your house worth?

Jul 31, 2012
A study suggests that homes certified as environment-friendly do sell at a premium. But in terms of choosing which home to buy, it's still location, location, location first.