Stories Tagged as
Retirement savings
Monthly pension benefits into IRA?
Dec 31, 2009
Question: Can monthly pension benefits be deposited directly into an IRA and be treated as a rollover thus deferring taxes? Question: Can monthly...
Uncertain freelance income
Dec 28, 2009
Question: I freelance as a stage manager for theatre and my year usually pans out where I have work for two months, then am unemployed for two...
Saving too much
Dec 11, 2009
Question: I was brought up by parents who remembered the Depression, and they taught me frugality. I also got my first job in the early 80's when...
Join retirement plan
Dec 3, 2009
Question: I recently started back to work part-time now that our two children are older and my husband took a 50% pay cut. I teach as an adjunct...
Saving for retirement
Dec 1, 2009
Question: I am prevented from contributing to my company's 401(k) because I am a HCE and the average contribution rate is less than 3%. I make just...
A foreigner and retirement savings
Nov 30, 2009
Question: I am a German scientist and will spend the next 3-4 years in the US to conduct my research. Before I lived about 5 years in the...
A China bull
Nov 24, 2009
Question: I would like to consider putting a small portion of my retirement (and/or other) investment money in Chinese stocks. Is this a reasonable...
For public good, not for profit.
TIPS: mutual fund or bonds
Nov 11, 2009
Question: I retired early and am over 55. I plan to keep enough money in my 401k to meet my needs until I'm 591/2. To take advantage of things...
Nov 2, 2009
Question: I've just opened a Roth IRA to start saving for retirement. However, as a graduate student, the amount I'm starting with and able to...
Inflation indexed bonds
Oct 30, 2009
Question: Is there a way I can buy "I" series treasury bonds with pre-tax money? I would like to hedge a little bit against inflation with these...