Stories Tagged as
Retirement savings
When is the company match mine?
Jun 12, 2009
Question: I was part of a "downsizing" in late January from an IT software vendor in New York City. During my tenure at the firm I was contributing...
Borrow to buy land?
Jun 8, 2009
Question: My husband is the primary income, and I work 12 to 15 hours per week from home while I take care of the kids. We have a 5 month emergency...
A loss on a closed Roth
Jun 5, 2009
Question: I recently closed a ROTH account, feeling that the money could best be used elsewhere, since I still have a fair amount in other...
A college savings plan?
May 27, 2009
Question: We are in our 30's with three kids ages 7 and under. We live simply and have been able to get by on our income around $24,000 per year,...
Cut down on 401(K) contributions
May 4, 2009
Question: My husband and I are currently putting 9% of our income into our Roth 401K with a 4% match from his employer. We got a late start in...
A Roth-IRA conversion in 2010
Apr 28, 2009
Question: As I understand it, Congress has lifted the income limits for Roth IRA roll-overs starting in 2010. How likely do you think it is that...
401(k) withdrawals
Apr 23, 2009
Question: Has the law been changed to allow employees vested under an employer pension plan (401K) to withdraw up to $10,000 without penalty? I am...
For public good, not for profit.
Transfer retirement savings?
Apr 22, 2009
Question: I know that we're supposed to do an "institution to institution" transfer when we roll over our 401K from one employer's plan to another,...
Socially responsible retirement savings
Apr 15, 2009
Question: My retirement begins 01/10. I will receive $148,000 in Feb. 10 and my monthly state retirement check will begin. I must roll-over the...
I-bonds vs TIPS
Apr 13, 2009
Question: I have the opportunity to buy $10,000 worth of I-bonds this year, or $10,000 worth of TIPS in an IRA account. Which is better--or is it...