Forget WebMD. Hello, Robot, M.D.

Feb 25, 2013
Could robots be the next medical revolution?

Taking humans out of the supermarket checkout

Mar 27, 2012
Retail is getting more and more "robotified," and where it's most evident is the self checkout kiosks at supermarkets. Retail clerks are finding themselves displaced by the machines.

Robots ate my road trip, day two

Mar 26, 2012
An ear of corn almost derails David Brancaccio's misanthropic cross-country road trip from New York to San Francisco.

Robots ate my road trip, day 1

Mar 25, 2012
From man's best friend to the hotel reception desk; check-in on the successful first leg of David Brancaccio's cross-country road trip from New York to San Francisco, which he's attempting to complete without any human interaction.

Robots, automation, and the future of your job

Mar 23, 2012
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, and at that speed, computers, automation, and robots are already doing tasks most people did not believe were possible. So what does that mean for the jobs economy?

With Kiva purchase, robots go the distance at Amazon

Mar 20, 2012
The giant online retailer buys robot-maker Kiva Systems for $775 million. The automatons will bring products to workers in Amazon's massive distribution centers.

Video of MABEL the running robot

Aug 18, 2011
On our Friday show, we talk about MABEL, the robot from the University of Michigan who has learned to run. Here she is in action.

For public good, not for profit.

They've made a running robot - who needs people?

Aug 18, 2011
University of Michigan researchers have made a robot that runs. Her name is MABEL. It's the only robot, they say, that can run like a human. From...

The robots are coming! Or, how to spoil a pefectly nice dance party.

Aug 1, 2011
Foxconn, the Taiwanese company that assembles Apple's iPhones and iPads, is reportedly planning to "hire" 1 million robots to take on the boring,...

Robot tries to learn to flip pancakes

Jul 23, 2010
I'm not sure why I find this so completely funny but I do. But only when the robot fails at the flipping. When (SPOILER ALERT) it succeeds? Not as...