Can even a deal to cut oil production increase prices amid COVID-19?

Demand for oil is falling so quickly that even a reduction in supply will take some time to affect markets.
Many shale oil companies can operate profitably with prices so low.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Russia plays oil diplomacy card in Middle East

May 10, 2019
Russia has leveraged its oil and gas market power to enhance its influence in the Middle East, just as the U.S. is pulling back from the region.
Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty Images

Troika Laundromat used shell companies to hide billions, report says

Mar 15, 2019
The editor of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project describes how the complex system worked.
Money launderers funneled money through companies set up by offshore banks like Ukio in Lithuania.

President Trump's "bold new diplomacy" and global relationships

Feb 6, 2019
A two-day summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un was announced at this year's State of the Union address.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, shakes hands with U.S. President Donald Trump during their historic summit at the Capella Singapore hotel on Sentosa Island on Tuesday.
Handout/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

OPEC fights falling prices with production cuts

Dec 7, 2018
Analysts say OPEC's decision is less about raising prices, and more about stopping them from falling further.

OPEC set to meet with an eye on cutting oil production

Dec 5, 2018
OPEC oil producing countries are scheduled to meet in Vienna on Thursday to discuss possible production cuts as a way to boost prices. Oil prices have been sliding in recent months. At the recent G-20 meeting, Russian and Saudi Arabian leaders signaled a willingness to work toward cuts, but what might that mean? Click the […]

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Nov 29, 2018
President Trump’s former lawyer, has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about work he did on a Trump real estate project in Russia.
Presdient Donald Trump's former attorney pleaded guilty to lying to the Congress Thursday.
Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty Images