A small raise: Now what?

Aug 12, 2011
Question: I should be getting a addition to my (meager) salary soon. At the moment, I can barely make ends meet, especially during the winter. What...

As recovery stalls, more Americans seek food assistance

Aug 3, 2011
One state -- Alabama -- added over a million to the food assistance rolls as tornadoes and the economy affected families

Thoughts on settlement money

Jul 29, 2011
Question: We were in a traffic accident a while back and our vehicle was totaled. Fortunately we are all ok (barring some persistent muscular pain...

Savings bonds are safe

Jul 28, 2011
Question: Should I cash in my EE and I bonds? Are they safe? Are they going to continue to be safe? I'm a retired teacher, already lost big on my...

Save more, spend less

Jul 26, 2011
Millions of Americans are struggling to save more. The high unemployment of the past several years has convinced us that we need to shore up our...

A safe parking place for emergency money

Jul 25, 2011
Question: My wife and I have been putting aside $100 a month and we currently have about $2200.00 in emergency savings. The money is currently in a...

Beware of Save-ageddon!

Jul 22, 2011
Here in Los Angeles, Carmageddon came and went without a hitch. Citizens heeded the warnings and the predicted epic gridlock didn't happen. Tess Vigeland wonders if there's a way to scare people into saving for retirement too.

For public good, not for profit.

Time and money

Jul 20, 2011
When it comes to managing our money among the most important concepts are risk, return and uncertainty. We talk about them in different ways every...

The return on savings: Miserly

Jul 20, 2011
Question: My wife and I have been working diligently to save a good chunk of "cash on hand" money, as well as the down payment for our next house....

Retirees need to save, too

Jul 12, 2011
The economic news has been bleak for retirees and near-retirees over the past decade: Two recessions and two bear markets. The Standard & Poor...