Report: More Americans are worried about their personal finances

Feb 22, 2011
More Americans are worried about recession impacts on their personal finances than they were a year ago, according to an annual survey that asses...

The new '10 Commandments of Money'

Feb 11, 2011
Tess Vigeland talks to MSN's personal finance columnist Liz Pulliam Weston about the new rules of personal finance she outlines in her book "The 10 Commandments of Money."

Getting Personal: Your net worth, money management 101

Feb 3, 2011
Tess Vigeland and MSN personal finance columnist Liz Weston answer your questions about determining your personal net worth, how to teach someone money management and whether a 529 plan is too risky or conservative.

Gems among the prepaid card cubic zirconia

Jan 21, 2011
Prepaid credit cards (really prepaid debit cards) are hot. I'm not a fan because so many of these cards charge high fees. Remember the late and...

Doing well by doing good

Jan 14, 2011
Question: I am 25 years old and have an entry-level job at a small advocacy nonprofit, making about $24,000 a year before taxes (excluding health...

Save more than you think

Jan 10, 2011
Question: Help! I am a 31-year old school administrator in a committed relationship, no kids yet....

The benefits of mental accounting

Jan 6, 2011
Question: I received a $1,200 refund from my mortgage company due to excess funds in my escrow account, which I paid into over the last year. My...

For public good, not for profit.

A mortgage paydown calculation

Dec 30, 2010
Question: I have heard that if one pays two additional house payment every year one can save up to five years in house payments--this is for a 30...

FRUM: Americans will continue to save

Dec 22, 2010
Marketplace commentator David Frum talks about why Americans will keep on saving even after the economy recovers.

Incorporating savings rates into personal credit scores?

Dec 17, 2010
The retirement company TIAA-CREF recently held a competition for ideas that would prompt people to save more. Jonathan Chan won. His idea? Incorporate savings rates into the credit scoring system. Tess Vigeland talks with the recent college graduate about how his idea would work.