Savings vs debt

Oct 1, 2010
Question: I'm a 24-year-old who makes ~$60K a year, living in a very expensive city with ~$50K of student loan debt (I hold a masters). My question...

The debate over not saving for college

Sep 30, 2010
With college tuition always on the rise, it seems natural to start saving up for your child's college tuition early. But forget early -- some parents aren't saving up at all.

How to save more

Sep 29, 2010
Question: I need help in developing a saving plan. I have a steady/stable job, a house, and a retirement plan to which my employer contributes 10%...

Reading between the lines of the Fed's decision

Sep 21, 2010
Kai Ryssdal talks to Marketplace's Jeremy Hobson, who parses the Fed's statement after they announced they would not raise interest rates.

Foster care, from a guardian's perspective

Sep 17, 2010
Following a real-life foster care success story, Tess Vigeland talks to the guardian behind it.
Students pray in the aftermath of two apparent racially-motivated brawls at a Los Angeles high school in 2005.
David McNew, Getty Images

Americans still the wealthiest, but less so

Sep 15, 2010
The United States still comes out on top in terms of how much money per American has, but the recession brought the numbers down by about 12 percent since 2007.

The three 'proverbial wallets'

Sep 10, 2010
Tess Vigeland talks to John Kestner, a grad student at the MIT Media Lab, about his "proverbial wallets" concept, which attempts to take the abstract, digitized way many people spend money into

For public good, not for profit.

More money, better thoughts about life?

Sep 10, 2010
The Beatles should've given us a leg up and told us what money can buy: Happiness -- to a certain degree. A study shows that folks who earn around $75,000 think they have a pretty good life, compared to those who earn less.

A safe place for savings

Sep 7, 2010
Question: I work for a small startup company and because of sparse resources at the company, I received all of my paychecks at once (after taxes)...

The new holier than thou

Sep 3, 2010
Tess Vigeland speaks with author Andrew Potter about his latest book "The Authenticity Hoax," where he argues that things like the locavore and eco-tourism is the new way to flaunt wealth.