What to do with savings, part 1

Jul 29, 2010
Question: If one has an extra $200 per month to invest or save, would it be best to invest it in a 401(k), pay it towards the principal on a...

There's only so much you can teach your kids

Jul 23, 2010
For better or for worse, kids take after their parents -- but studies show parental influence only goes so far when it comes to how your children will handle money.

Cheapskates who learned their lessons

Jul 16, 2010
Marketplace asked you to submit your story of when being a cheapskate ended up smacking you in the fact. Here are our top favorites.

Is public transit really cheaper?

Jul 16, 2010
In some areas of the country transit authorities are cutting service and raising fares. Matthew Schuerman looks at how New Jersey riders are coping with the increased expense.

U.S. FICO scores hit new lows

Jul 12, 2010
FICO says American credit scores have hit new lows. A quarter of consumers -- that's 40-plus million people -- have scores below 600, which means they're unlikely to get credit cards.

I'm a cheapskate, out and proud!

Jul 9, 2010
Tess Vigeland talks to author Jeff Yeager about the joys of living below your means.

Credit counseling for 'Housewives' star

Jul 2, 2010
After displaying a lavish lifestyle on the reality TV show, the Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa Giudice and her husband have filed for bankruptcy. That's for $11 million dollars. Host Tess Vigeland talks with Gail Cunningham of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling about how to get out of such extreme debt

For public good, not for profit.

How to assure ownership

Jun 25, 2010
Question: My partner and I own a home together, and are unable to marry in our state. I read that even if you title your home as joint tenancy with...

Long-term savings for daughters

Jun 23, 2010
Question: My dad has generously given each of our two young daughters (currently 5 and 3) $1000. His intent is that these funds should be invested...

What to do with inheritance

Jun 18, 2010
Question: When my Mother passed away she left each of my siblings and I an inheritance. She raised 5 children on her own, worked as a nurse, saved...