Home ownership isn't what it used to be

Jun 11, 2010
Reporter Curt Nickisch talks to one New Hampshire family who doesn't necessarily think home ownership has led them to the American Dream.

In or out? Where to put your money now

Jun 11, 2010
Tess Vigeland talks to three money managers for advice on what to do with your money in this time of economic uncertainty.

A good savings plan?

Jun 10, 2010
Question: My husband and I both have car loans and student loans that we are repaying. We both contribute to our retirement accounts and have put...

Getting Personal

Jun 3, 2010
Host Tess Vigeland and economics editor Chris Farrell take your questions on personal finance. This week we hear how a clumsy bike trick led to a credit score of zero, how Warren Buffett's neighbor hopes to pass his own fortune down to the next generation and why a future politician is nervous about how a personal bankruptcy could affect a run at public office.

How to become a hot broke mess

Jun 3, 2010
Tess Vigeland talks to a personal finance columnist Nancy Trejos, whose own personal finance mess is detailed in her new book "Hot (broke) Messes."

Personal bankruptcy filings on the rise

Jun 3, 2010
Personal bankruptcies have been on the rise since the Great Recession, and with it, perhaps a decline in the stigma against throwing in the hat when your finances become too much.

Go local with your money?

Jun 3, 2010
Marketplace's Ashley Milne-Tyte weighs the pros and cons of moving your money to a community bank.

For public good, not for profit.

What to do with extra savings

Jun 3, 2010
Question: My wife (age 68) and I (age 69) have about $80,000 to invest. Our mortgage is paid off and we have no debts. Our current income (our Soc...

Getting Personal

May 28, 2010
Host Steve Chiotakis and MSN Money columnist Liz Pulliam Weston take your questions on how to ask a parent to co-sign a student loan, what to do after a co-signed parent declares bankruptcy and why paying off debt too quickly doesn't have any drawbacks, despite urban myths to the contrary.

College costs, quadrupled

May 28, 2010
It's tough enough trying to raise one child and see her through college, but Tab and Debbie Thompson did just that with quadruplets who graduated just graduated from Texas A&M.