Families and Oompa Loompas

Nov 13, 2009
Two Portland families join Tess Vigeland on stage to share their philosophies on kids and money. And from the Oregon Children's Theater production of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," the Oompa Loompas pay a visit.

This dad's money tips aren't a tall order

Nov 13, 2009
Tess Vigeland welcomes former professional basketball player Chris Dudley of the Portland Trailblazers, who is now a certified financial planner -- and a parent of three.

Discussing the basics of budgeting

Nov 13, 2009
Beth Kobliner, author of "Get a Financial Life," joins Tess Vigeland on stage to discuss how parents can talk about money with their kids.

Live in Portland, it's Marketplace Money

Nov 13, 2009
Marketplace Money host Tess Vigeland opens the special live "Financial Futures" show in Portland, Ore., with the Live Wire comedy troupe.

Learn about money at home

Nov 6, 2009
David Dominguez, a high school senior, says that while kids shouldn't skip out on the "Life Skills" courses at school, learning about money really should start at home.

Dad, daughter reflect on money lessons

Nov 6, 2009
Curtis Larson and his daughter Erin Anderson look back at the way he let the kids in the family take responsibility for their own money, even if they made mistakes.

Getting Personal

Nov 6, 2009
Business columnist Sheryl Harris of the Cleveland Plain Dealer helps Tess Vigeland tackle your money questions -- from what should be done with old financial documents to how a college student should handle a billing mix up.
Getting Personal

For public good, not for profit.

Talking money back at her old school

Nov 6, 2009
Tess Vigeland pays a visit to her old high school just outside Portland, Ore., to learn how teachers are now instructing students about money, and why more schools don't provide financial education.
Oregon's West Linn High School.
Tess Vigeland

Finding intimacy in finances

Nov 6, 2009
Most couples hate to face questions about money. But Jacquette Timmons, author of the book "Financial Intimacy," says sharing money woes can actually be romantic.

Military thrift plan

Oct 28, 2009
Question: Hi, I recently left active duty military service and am trying to decide what to do with my Thrift Savings Plan. I've got about $40k...