Save more or attack student loans

Jun 22, 2009
Question: I am trying to balance saving enough money in case I lose my job and paying down my current (and increasing) student loan debt. I work...

Inflation and an IRA

Jun 17, 2009
Question: I'm interested in finding a good investment for inflationary times. This would be about 7% of my retirement portfolio; around 10,000 in...

Housing life preservers not a catch-all

Jun 12, 2009
Government foreclosure prevention programs are aimed at keeping homeowners in their homes. So why do foreclosures continue? Tamara Keith reports.

Getting Personal

Jun 12, 2009
Tess Vigeland and economics editor Chris Farrell answer listeners' pressing questions about rent-to-own properties, the credit card reform bill, and saving for health care after retirement.
Getting Personal

Straight Story

Jun 12, 2009
Economics editor Chris Farrell remembers lessons learned from late economic consultant and historian Peter Bernstein, who died June 5 at the age of 90.
Economics editor Chris Farrell
American Public Media

Where have all the IPOs gone?

Jun 12, 2009
Initial public offerings, or IPOs, are risky investments that have all but dried up during the recession. But Fidelity Investments is opening up exclusive access to IPOs from a private equity firm to drum up new business.

Make minimum credit card payments

Jun 9, 2009
Question: I recently gave 2 weeks notice at my job which I recognize is slightly insane in this economy, but I'm confident that it was the right...

For public good, not for profit.

Borrow to buy land?

Jun 8, 2009
Question: My husband is the primary income, and I work 12 to 15 hours per week from home while I take care of the kids. We have a 5 month emergency...

Family takes frugality to the extreme

Jun 5, 2009
Many people living in comfortable surroundings are now embracing a frugal-chic attitude. Maine-based author W. Hodding Carter and his family are experimenting in being ultra-frugal for an entire year.

Dave Ramsey on our love of debt

Jun 5, 2009
Being in debt used to be a social stigma, but now it seems to be the American way. Tess Vigeland talks to Dave Ramsey, author of "Total Money Makeover," about how America became a nation of borrowers in love with credit.