Save more or owe more?

Feb 22, 2018
With wages and incomes up, more Americans say they are saving for a rainy day. But it might be wiser to use the money to pay down debt. Marketplace’s Aaron Schrank explains. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

The savings rate is at its lowest point since the recession

Jan 29, 2018
The lack of personal income savings is a reminder that all this growth economic growth could slow down pretty quickly.

5 things you need to know about 401(k)s

Oct 27, 2017
The award-winning author of "Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Grow Rich," tells us what we need to know about the popular retirement savings account.

Almost half of American households are unable to save for emergencies

Jul 25, 2017
And many don't have enough to cover basic needs for three months.
A mother and her child at the West Side Campaign Against Hunger food bank in New York City. 
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Baby boomers begin mandatory retirement account withdrawals. Are they ready?

May 29, 2017
Seventy and a half. That is the magic age that starts mandatory withdrawals from 401(k)s and other tax-deferred retirement accounts. The oldest members of the baby boom generation start hitting that age this year, and the milestone is expected to have significant implications for the financial services industry. Click the audio player above to hear […]

Teaching kids the power of the piggy bank

Apr 29, 2016
It's a good day to spread the message to start saving early.
It's a good idea to help kids develop saving habits early on, the American Bankers Association says.
Philip Brewer/Flickr

For public good, not for profit.

For families, even a small amount in savings goes a long way

Apr 21, 2016
A new report says as little as $250 can help you survive a financial emergency.
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