Stories Tagged as
Emergency savings
Nov 17, 2008
Question: This is a basic question, but with everything that is going on I am confused. I am starting a job and I want to begin setting aside an...
Economy rebalancing China-U.S. trade
Nov 13, 2008
China played a huge part in America's consumption and borrowing binge, while Chinese consumers weren't buying much of anything. But Chinese savers plus Western spenders might add up to trouble for both sides. Scott Tong explains
In banking, with age comes experience
Oct 31, 2008
America's biggest banks have been in the news as the government opens its pocketbook to bail them out. But as Tess Vigeland reports, some banks are doing just fine on their own and that's got investors interested.
Who backs the backstop?
Oct 17, 2008
The FDIC promises that the money you put into the bank isn't going anywhere, even if the bank goes under. Host Tess Vigeland asks former FDIC chairman William Issac how that guarantee works.
FDIC hopes to raise deposit limits
Sep 30, 2008
The FDIC is asking for the authority to raise the cap on the deposits it insures, a move that seems to have the support of both presidential candidates. Marketplace's Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.
Interbank lending rates spike
Bob Moon
Sep 30, 2008
As the markets work to sort themselves out in the wake of the bailout plan's demise, the rates banks charge each other to borrow have risen to an all-time high. Marketplace Senior Business Correspondent Bob Moon reports.
Blogging the volatile markets
Sep 26, 2008
Managing your money is hard enough right now without an audience. Host Tess Vigeland welcomes three personal finance bloggers back to the show to see how they're addressing the difficult times.
For public good, not for profit.
Emergency savings?
Sep 9, 2008
Question: I'm a 28 year old full-time graduate student, married, and proud parent of one son. I receive stipend from school which is not much and...
Did 'staycation' promos help hotels?
Sep 2, 2008
Hotel managers knew rising gas prices and a slumping economy would cause vacationers to cancel travel plans. Hence, the "staycation," offering discounts and other amenities to locals. Jean-Luc Renault reports.
The state of the American worker
Sep 1, 2008
Labor Day has become a time for end-of-summer sales and barbecues, but it really is intended as a way of honoring workers. With that in mind, Nancy Marshall Genzer looks at how the American worker is doing.