Speeding up on the world's sidewalks

May 2, 2007
If you think city sidewalks feel more hectic than a decade ago, you're right. A study says people are walking faster than ever before, and the pace is really picking up in up-and-coming world economies.

Tweet, tweeted, twitterpated

May 1, 2007
It's the latest online social phenomenon. Thousands of people are answering the simple question — What are you doing? — all day long. Chana Joffe-Walt recruited a few friends to try it out.

Not much you in Sony's tube

Apr 27, 2007
Sony is set to launch its own video-sharing website to rival YouTube, only it's promising to monitor the content to protect against copyright infringement. Great for studios, but what's in it for consumers?

Amazon music store around the corner

Apr 25, 2007
The world's largest Internet retailer, Amazon.com is preparing to take on iTunes with the launch of its own music download store. But it's not likely to take a big bite of Apple's share anytime soon, reports Lisa Napoli.

Lord of the games

Apr 24, 2007
Software maker Turbine is hoping to lure online gamers away from World of Warcraft and into Middle Earth to play its game out today based on Tolkien's popular "Lord of the Rings."

Security at your fingertips

Apr 19, 2007
If technology has made identity theft easier, it may also be the best tool to fight the crime. Some companies are starting to use BioPassword to secure their logins. The software uses biometric science to measure your keystrokes and confirm your identity.

Campuses clamor for danger alert system

Apr 19, 2007
Colleges across the nation have sought out better emergency notification systems in the days following Monday's deadly shootings at Virginia Tech. That's led hundreds of them to a company called Omnilert.

For public good, not for profit.

Technology's green giants

Apr 18, 2007
Rivals in the ultra-competitive tech industry don't work together often, but today they're making an exception and meeting in Denver to try to help save the environment — and money of course.

Motion-capture thespians

Apr 18, 2007
The high-tech world of video gaming is providing a whole new stage for aspiring actors. And it's win-win: The actors get experience and a paying gig. And it's faster and cheaper for the game makers than creating forms from scratch.

Space R&D blasting off in 5. . .

Apr 17, 2007
Right now the fifth space tourist is orbiting the earth. Price tag: $20 million. So space tourism isn't exactly taking off at light speed, but some think there's a lot of money to be made a lot faster in space-based research.