Google TV getting swept under the rug?

Oct 28, 2010
My goodness, can we already be seeing Google TV die? First the three major broadcast networks blocked their content from the device/service/thingy,...

Oh Google Street View. What are we going to do with you?

Oct 25, 2010
So this is kind of interesting in light of the Firesheep thing. Google now admits that it collected far more information than previously disclosed...

Dead Sea Scrolls coming to the internet

Oct 19, 2010
Apparently, it's a team up effort between Google and the Israeli Antiquities Authority. I hope commenting is not enabled....

Facebook monkeys with comments, prepares for global domination

Oct 14, 2010
Tech Crunch has confirmed what AllFacebook noted late yesterday: new functionality on Facebook comments. While the company will probably never roll...

Bing = Bing + Facebook

Oct 13, 2010
As we predicted here, the big Bing event had to do with Facebook data being used in searches. Effective immediately, when you search on Bing you...

Bing holds event today

Oct 13, 2010
The search arm of Microsoft will be announcing some new features to the service. Notably, something to do with Facebook. Facebook execs will be in...

Sony announces Google TV TVs

Oct 13, 2010
As expected, Sony rolled out new ways to incorporate Google into your couch potatoizing....

For public good, not for profit.

Federal Elections Commission cuts Google a break

Oct 11, 2010
In August, Google asked the Commission if they need to include disclaimers in short campaign ads the site features that are at their maximum, 95...

Yahoo tinkers with search

Oct 7, 2010
The search war would seem to have been won by Google long ago but the battles range on nevertheless. In Yahoo's case, there is still plenty of...

All your geolocation are belong to us

Oct 7, 2010
Yesterday, word came out that Facebook had been granted a patent that essentially made them out to be the inventors of "Systems and methods for...