Siri gets a new cousin: Meet Nina

Aug 7, 2012
A new voice recognition program for apps might run into the same frustrating problems.

White House summit on botnet combat held

May 31, 2012
Industry titans gather to figure out how to keep people off zombie networks.

Small talk: Bacon coffin, Beatles Wheelchair, Siri sued

Mar 30, 2012
The news that didn't quite make the headlines. This week: a bacon-y coffin, what The Beatles have to do with wheelchairs, and is Siri worried about getting sued?

A few big data users slow us all down

Jan 6, 2012
A new study says just 1 percent of mobile users hog half the available wireless capacity.

For public good, not for profit.

Siri goes down

Nov 4, 2011
Apple's much ballyhooed artificial intelligence system conked out yesterday for several hours as many iPhone toting folks were forced to resort to...

"Siri, are there any old Dukes of Hazzard reruns on?"

Oct 28, 2011
We've been hearing a lot of rumors lately about an Apple TV being in development. It will supposedly be to TVs what the iPhone was to phones, a...