Tech in 2015: We'll be connected 24/7

Dec 24, 2014
Marketplace Tech host Ben Johnson tells us what to expect in the year ahead.

Car companies catch up to a connected world

Oct 29, 2014
Cars are becoming more and more like huge smartphones on wheels.

Parking valet on demand

Oct 24, 2014
In the "instant gratification" economy, even parking has an app.

Making a smartphone for just $25

Oct 20, 2014
Cheap smartphones in emerging economies could help the tech industry's survival.

Blackberry's not dead yet

Sep 22, 2014
Despite the ongoing death watch, Blackberry is still launching products.

The first smartphone turns 20

Aug 18, 2014
Looking back at the phone that was 2 decades ahead of its time.

For public good, not for profit.

Android Silver: Forcing manufacturers to toe Google's line

May 1, 2014
Giving away the Android operating system has almost been too successful for Google.

Will Nintendo ditch hardware?

Jan 29, 2014
Some say Nintendo needs to ditch the console and focus on games, but Nintendo may still try to save its hardware business.

More bad news from BlackBerry

Dec 20, 2013
BlackBerry has reported a $4.4 billion loss in its third quarter earnings report.