Who needs a waiter when you have a smart phone?

Dec 4, 2013
You can now use your smart phone to order and pay at some restaurants.

Target puts a bullseye on Walmart's phone-card business

Oct 3, 2013
Target takes on its giant rival, and launches its own pre-paid phone service.

BlackBerry's deal to go private: The nail in the coffin?

Sep 23, 2013
BlackBerry announced it agreed to be bought by a group led by investor Fairfax Financial Holdings for close to $4.7 billion.

'Facebook Home'? A new Facebook flavored smartphone

Apr 2, 2013
Lindsey Turrentine, editor-in-chief of CNET Reviews joins Marketplace Tech host David Brancaccio to discuss what a Facebook smartphone would look like and why it might sell.

BlackBerry is back in the black

Mar 28, 2013
BlackBerry posted a surprise profit for the quarter today. The Canadian company’s been struggling to stay relevant in the smartphone market but while the news is hopeful, it’s still too early to declare a turnaround.

Medical apps get the once over from the FDA

Mar 28, 2013
The Food and Drug Administration is putting together clearer guidelines for medical apps that need to be approved.

Unlock your phone? You're breaking the law

Jan 28, 2013
If you're the type of tech savvy person who likes to hack your own electronics, you might be interested to know that unlocking your own cell phone without your provider's permission actually became illegal over the weekend.

For public good, not for profit.

BlackBerry maker RIM hires banks for 'review'

May 30, 2012
Research in Motion, maker of the BlackBerry, warned investors yesterday it could report a significant loss in its first quarter and has also hired JP Morgan and RBS for a "strategic review."

An app too far?

May 18, 2012
Apple's new Apple Store self-checkout app has Wired.com columnist Lore Sjoberg worried.

The time Americans devote to technology

Apr 12, 2012
Surprising news from the polling firm Gallup that young people in America are in fact concerned they are spending too much time in front of their phones and computers.