The newest location of a Mitt Romney ad

Jul 2, 2012
Much of the coverage of campaign spending and ads in the last few years has centered around big donors, and money coming in from super PACS. But one Romney supporter has used his money in a slightly different arena: The soccer field.

What's up, Europe? Germany vs. Greece in soccer match

Jun 21, 2012
Germany will battle Greece in the quarterfinals of the European Football Championship. What kind of tensions might play out during the game?

Euro crisis to be played out on the soccer field

Jun 21, 2012
Tomorrow, another euro clash between Germany and Greece is looming. But this time it's not economics -- it's soccer. The two face each other in the Euro 2012 quarter-finals. At least this meeting is not about debt, bailouts and austerity... Or is it?

GM signs deal to sponsor Manchester United

May 31, 2012
General Motors announced today a major Chevrolet sponsorship deal with the popular English soccer team, Manchester United.

Tax cuts and the World Cup in Russia

Dec 2, 2010
Two final notes on the way out today: First, the House passed an extension of the Bush era tax cuts today for couples making less than $250,000....

Consumer spending picks up... private hiring does not.

Oct 6, 2010
Bad news: This morning, a private payroll service said U-S companies unexpectedly decreased their workforces last month by 39,000 people. Good...

For public good, not for profit.

Where to watch the World Cup

Jun 11, 2010
A listener wrote in to ask where online he could watch World Cup matches. Digging around a bit, I think Lifehacker's list is a pretty complete one....