President Obama looks to reduce Social Security cost of living increases with 'chained CPI'

Apr 5, 2013
President Obama's new budget proposal -- which will be formally unveiled next week -- includes a move to slow payments to Social Security.

The rich get all the perks, including old age

Mar 11, 2013
As the budget battle to cut entitlements heats up, some argue that raising the retirement age will force the poor to subsidize the rich because the rich live longer.

Walmart discovers the payroll tax may bite

Feb 20, 2013
The nation's largest retailer may see slump in February sales figures.

'Cliff' deal ends payroll tax cut

Jan 2, 2013
The short-term stimulus plan had pumped billions into the economy.

Social Security: It's too complicated

Nov 2, 2012
More than 20 percent of the U.S. national budget is spent on Social Security, so of course politicians like to promise to reform it. Commentator Chris Farrell says unfortunately both candidates' plans are way too complicated.

Will social security increase offset retiree costs?

Oct 16, 2012
Seniors wonder whether 1.7 percent hike next year will be enough to cover fast-rising health care expenses.

One proposal to fix Medicare, tax code

Sep 10, 2012
Fortune Magazine’s Allan Sloan discusses his solutions to fixing Social Security, Medicare, and the tax code – without the help of politicians.

For public good, not for profit.

Heading towards fiscal health

Aug 31, 2012
David Lazarus of the Los Angeles Times answers caller questions on personal finance, along with CBS editor-at-large Jill Schlesinger.

Retirement savings is gone. Now what?

Apr 27, 2012
Hi. I'm 53 years old and have had to go through the little bit of my retirement savings. Now, I have $5,000 to start something, as far as retirement goes. What should I do? I do not have anything through work. Actually, my workplace is on brink of closing right now. Lisa, Louisville, KY