Living without money

Apr 20, 2012
Heidemarie Schwermer is taking thriftiness to an entirely new level.

Why is it more expensive to be a woman?

Apr 13, 2012
Women's pay may be on the rise, but when it comes to things like health insurance, haircuts, dry cleaning, and deodorant -- women pay more than men. A university study looks into the potential factors behind the price difference.
Women's pay may be on the rise, but when it comes to things like health insurance, haircuts, dry cleaning, and deodorant -- women pay more than men. A university study looks into the potential factors behind the price difference.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The money illusion

Mar 16, 2012
Professor Stephen J. Rose says it's not about how much things cost, but how much they cost relatively.
Professor Stephen Rose says we shouldn't be focusing on the price of things as much as the prices relative to how much we make.
STR/AFP/Getty Images

Sweating out bad spending habits

Mar 16, 2012
Author Charles Duhigg suggests our bad financial habits may be changed by sweating more.
Incentives to stay healthy.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Why are we outraged over high gas prices?

Feb 27, 2012
Behavioral economist Sendhil Mullainathan puts into perspective why we shouldn't be too angry over rising gas prices.

Government must promote savings

Feb 24, 2012
Marketplace's economics editor Chris Farrell says government needs to push sound saving, rather than sound borrowing.

Sick to death of saving

Feb 17, 2012
Commentator Zo Webster has been a saver all her life - but recently she's begun to change her tune.

For public good, not for profit.

The cost of being 'Best in Show'

Feb 17, 2012
New York hosted the Westminster Dog Show this week. Tess talked with dog owners to find out just how much it costs to put your pooch on parade at the most prestigious award show in America.
Pilar Kuhn and her Scottish terrier Garrison
Tess Vigeland

My frugal Valentine

Feb 10, 2012
Meg Favreau of says that you don't need to break the bank this Valentine's Day. She shares some tips on what do come February 14th.

Chocolate truffles three ways

Feb 10, 2012
Not only are homemade truffles much cheaper than buying them, your culinary skills will impress your sweetheart.