Sprint not into the idea of AT&T marrying T-Mobile

Jun 1, 2011
The deadline for public comments on the big merger was Tuesday. Surprise, surprise, Sprint filed a petition to the FCC to block the merger saying ...

Shots fired in impending mobile payment war

May 25, 2011
Well, shots are rumored to be fired tomorrow anyway. That's when all the rumors (sniff sniff, smells like a controlled leak) say that Google will...

Apple: What are they building in there?

May 17, 2011
Thursday is the 10th anniversary of the Apple retail store and something seems to be up to mark the occasion. BGR.com says that it's going to go...

Sprint set to rent out spectrum

Apr 19, 2011
Sprint -- always the bridesmaid, never the bride -- is trying to figure out what to do after AT&T announced a deal to buy T-Mobile (before AT...

Sprint says NFC will be ready this year

Apr 5, 2011
When you're the RC Cola of wireless carriers, you have to try a little harder. Sprint says it will have near field communications (NFC) available...

Sprint teams up with Google

Mar 21, 2011
Sprint may not be happy with the news about AT&T and T-Mobile, but the company has news of its own to make today. Sprint and Google announced a...

For public good, not for profit.

Lots of fuss about the D-block

Mar 3, 2011
We're coming up on the 10 year anniversary of September 11th, and there's still a lot of squabbling about creating a separate network for public...

Sprint launches weird new phone

Feb 8, 2011
The Kyocera Echo was launched by Sprint last night. It runs on Android and it has two screens. Why would you need two screens? Because it's twice...