U.S. petroleum reserve is a versatile weapon

Oct 1, 2012
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was established to protect the economy from an embargo. But just the threat of releasing oil into the market can rein in speculation in oil futures, too.

On reserve: 727 million barrels of crude oil

Sep 26, 2012
The United States has the most crude oil stashed away and ready-to-go of any nation on earth in its Strategic Petroleum Reserve. But you can't see the oil. It's underground in salt domes.

Isaac sparks talk of tapping oil reserves

Aug 29, 2012
Hurricane Isaac is battering the Gulf, which means a huge chunk of American oil drilling and refining is off line. There’s talk of America tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Transatlantic cooperation on oil supplies discussed

Mar 28, 2012
France says it is discussing a joint release of strategic oil reserves onto the market with Britain and the U.S. The U.S. says no decision is made.